Saturday, November 24, 2018

Crew by Tijan

4 stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

"Blood makes you related, but its loyalty that makes you family."

Ok so I will just be straight up- I'm a huge fan of Tijan and her books are literally a guilty pleasure of mine. She is one of the reasons I have a shelf called BOOK CRACK .

There is only a handful of books by this author that really haven't worked for me. This one - had its issues. Its superficial and just kind of, unrealistic in a sense, but you know what-It WORKED for me. Tijan is that author that doesn't hold back on issues- she is 1,000% on point when it comes to serving up that HOT TEA.

Her books bleed "messed up" situations. And to be frank- I LOVE IT. She is the Drama QUEEN and pours out the best blends. My cup runneth over.

This book totally had a Fallen Crest vibe to it- but how could it not when it is sort of connected. The only thing that was semi annoying was being reminded every 5 minutes that they were "Crew" - I was like OK OK- I get it. Other than that, I loved being back in a world with characters from Fallen Crest. Heather and Channing are in this one and Heather was one of my favorites from FC. I am glad she is kind of getting a book that lets me see a little into her world and what happens with her and Channing. I haven't even talked about the new characters- But I dont really feel like I need to. They worked for me and I am totally looking forward to the rest of the series. BRING ON THE DRAMA!

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