Friday, November 23, 2018

Lord of Shadows by, Cassandra Claire


4 "How could you do this to me??!!"stars!!!

“Fiction is truth, even if it is not fact. If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.”

Don't mind me... Ill just be over here drowning in my sorrow.... until December.

Why Cassie Clare.... WHY??!?! My heart Is not handling this very well...

Ok... So now I will try and review this book. Not sure that I can, since my heart is NOT functioning properly. At this point I have a love hate relationship with Clare. Why must she be so dirty to her characters? My babies ugh!! Not much to say really. This book gave me a million feels and I'm obviously STILL trying to process them.

I loved seeing Jace being there for Kit in the beginning, that was so sweet.... and watching Kit grow. He's becoming a favorite for me. I loved all the scenes with Magnus. The bomb Clary dropped had my head spinning!! On another note- I feel like the Shadowhunter's really need some help in the communications department. Why do they always wait until they are in the thick of things to work out a problem?? It drives me nuts. Also- Julian and Emma, absolutely had me so fired up this whole book. OH THE DRAMA! and AGNST... then there was Cristina and her trio...**Fans Face** Is this going where I think its going?!?!

Even though those things bug me- it makes me Love the book that much more!! At this point I am so invested, I need to know what happens to them and that just makes for a great hook to the book. See what I did there? :P

Overall- I enjoyed Lord of shadows. I will say that for most of the middle of the book, for me- not much was happening, and LOS, just like LM, could have been a lot shorter. I don't have an issue with big books, as long as its keeping my attention. The middle just had me sorta screaming for it to pick up. It finally did and the last half was great but it also ruined me.... December can not come fast enough.

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