Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Boys of Brayshaw High by , Meagan Brandy

5 SAVAGE 🤤 Stars!!
“People who can lay their heads down and fall asleep with ease don’t understand the struggle or how bad those of us who can’t wish we could. They don’t know what it’s like to lay awake at night and replay minutes of your life, wondering what you could or should have done differently. Or how you could be better at something or fearing what comes next. Sometimes it’s even as simple as playing a movie back in your head, anything to fill the hours.”

Whelp- this was 100% a guilty pleasure read... one of those you just drown in....

Kudos to author: Brandy- she knows how to tell a story and make you feel EVERYTHING. In Boys of Brayshaw High, we follow Raven aka Rae Rae, daughter of a whore and a self proclaimed bad ass. She has had a hard life and been through things no child should have to. When the book opens up, she is getting kicked out of school and taken away from her mother by CPS. They bring her to a new town and home- where the Kings of Brayshaw rule the roost. She has no idea what she is up against, and neither do the boys... But they both are soon to find out.

At first, I really wasn't sure I was going to be into this one. It is full of vulgar language and just seemed so dark. Raven took me a minute to warm up to. But the more I read- I couldn't stop. Books like these are like French Fries- Insert guilty pleasure here

I ended up enjoying the characters way more that I thought I would and Rae- to me was everything. She was very OVER THE TOP sometimes but I still just loved her. Captain, Royce and Maddoc were the "Boys" and each one had their own story and personality that made them unique. This wasn't an easy breezy read. It was Raw, full of savagery and DRAMA. The romance aspect was slow burning, although I feel like somethings could have been told differently, it didn't take away from my overall feelings.

Don't let the YA setting fool you- this is NOT a YA book IMO- I think its way more suited in the NA genre. Its dark, seductive and provocative. This is not a book for everyone. Its for French Fry connoisseurs like me :P The author holds nothing back. IT ends on a cliffhanger that may leave you feeling like you need therapy....

Read it if you DARE!! I can not wait for book 2!!

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