Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Knife of Never Letting Go by, Patrick Ness

4 Stars!!
“But a knife ain't just a thing, is it? It's a choice, it's something you do. A knife says yes or no, cut or not, die or don't. A knife takes a decision out of your hand and puts it in the world and it never goes back again. ”

I honestly have zero idea where to start with this one ya'll!! It was something of a mystery from the moment I opened the book. I only picked this one up because there are making a film adaptation of it. So needless to say when I started it, my eyes were like ,.....

Because the writing is so extremely unique, and it took some getting used to. This book will not be for everyone- but if you can make it through it, kudos!! Yeah- its like that !

So we follow a boy Todd, who is the only boy in a town full of men. A long time ago, the town he lives in was infected with a noise Germ, which means - he can hear the thoughts of the men- and the men can hear his thoughts as well. According to the laws of this town- Todd will become a man on his 13th birthday. In the midst of the noise, Todd feels his town is hiding something from him. He is forced to flee with his dog, whose simple, loyal voice he hears too. While on the run they stumble across a silent girl in the swamp. Who is she? Why wasn't she killed by the germ like all the females on New World? With Todd's gritty narration, readers are in for a unique journey in which a boy, on the cusp of manhood, must unlearn everything he knows in order to figure out who he truly is.

So at first, I thought this was just going to be a weird coming of age story about a boy and his dog. I was so very wrong. This was so much more! The Knife of Never Letting, is a deep and dark tale. Hitting on issues like, dehumanization and problems with colonization, loyalty and helplessness- slavery and racism. Its a thought provoking novel, happy, sad, and funny- it hits on pretty much every emotion there is! Gives you all the feels for sure.

Todd was a fantastic character.

He was raw and real and we not only get to hear his story but his thoughts. His dog- Manchee will go down as my absolute FAVORITE animal character EVER!! He reminded me so much of the dog from the movie UP.

The thing I liked about hearing the animals talk/thoughts is that - they sound exactly how animals should talk. Ness brings them to life just effortlessly. Viola is the girl in the story

and I thought she brought wisdom and just a totally different feel to the book so concentrated on thoughts/themes of men.

This book will take time to get into. There are so many spelling and grammatical errors- but it has a purpose in this book. The dialect is very different. But I encourage you to press on and try to get through it. I don't have much else to say about it because it really is one of those books you'll either love or hate, and one you have to read to truly grasp its meaning and underlying themes. Totally recommend it if you are looking for something completely different and RAW! I'm really looking forward to this film and seeing it come to life !!

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