Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hearts and Bruises by A.M. Brooks


Holy..Shhh... WOW- First of all- THIS WAS A DEBUT!! and I am SHOOK. 

I hate that I loved this book so much. I hate the way I feel about toxic characters and the love I have for redemption. Many times I will start to read a character and automatically want to judge them- and then I have to put myself in their shoes- I try really hard to imagine what they have gone through or been through in order for them to have turned into whatever they have become. If I am being completely honest, its way easier to do this with fictional characters than it is to do in real life. Clearly that shouldn't be the case- :P But I usually try to find the good, as little as it may be in the beginning, in every character. Its just something about seeing character growth in someone and seeing how far they have come that just makes me happy!! 

This book broke my heart. I cant explain my feelings about it really well. It messed me up pretty good. MY EMOTIONS were all over the place. All that sounds terrible right? Yeah- but look, when I read, I want to feel, I want to be consumed, entertained and transported. Ya feel me? Well this one did it from the very start! 

The name of this book is Hearts and Bruises. If you are going to read this -

Clue #1 is in the title, this book wont be easy, or pretty all the time. Then read the synopsis. The author gives us a heads up- Like hey, this book may leave a mark because "with love comes pain and with pain comes scars". YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. But omgsh its so worth it. 

We follow Nora, who is in high school and ever since she lost her mom, she has been moving from place to place with her dad. They are on move #12 when they reach CA. Nora never expects to make friends so fast, or to meet Darrian King. The name King says it all!! Nora was everything - I wanted to shake her so much but I did love her!! Darrian well- You HATE to LOVE him. The writing was so amazing for being a debut Im still shook about that! It flowed effortlessly and consumed me! 

You will get mad, you will get sad and prepare to have your heart broke. If you are an easily triggered person this book may not be for you. You'll also probably will want to throw your kindle across the room... like I did :P But seriously- I was running right back to it and picking it right back up. This qualifies as book crack for me. I did not want to put it down and read it in one sitting. So if you are a fan of the following books:

After Series by Anna Todd 
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Fallen Crest Series by Tijan
Bully by Penelope Douglas 
Nero (Made Men Series) by Sarah Brianne 
The Royals Series by Erin Watt

I am pretty sure you will have a hard time putting this one down as well!! I am not comparing this book to those- this one totally holds its own. But I know that if you liked those, and they wrecked your heart like they did mine, then - Hearts and Bruises is for YOU!! If you read it, please come back LETS TALK ABOUT IT!! Happy Reading!! 

Thank you to netgalley for this arc. Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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