Thursday, April 18, 2019

Limerence book 2 by, Claire C Riley

4 Stars!!
When you see life through the eyes of a vampire, you see the true colors of the world.

Well.... this was SOOOO not what I was expecting. Just like book 1 - thought I had an idea how this would go and well HAHAHA Jokes on ME!

Mia has almost let her humanity go

and she has started to embrace the vampire side of herself. The whole book she struggles to fight off her inner vampire, who calls herself Maya. A little alter ego action.

Then there is Evan - her trainer.... SWOON- they both want one another but its off limits.

There is a ton of chemistry between the two. He also is supposed to help Mia keep Maya at bay. That really doesn't work out too well.

The ending of this book had me BUG EYED.

I was like WHAT HUH??? WTAF just happened?? I don't know if this series will have another book or not. But either way- the ending was like so unexpected that I could almost be satisfied with its conclusion....maybe...

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