Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Deal by, Elle Kennedy

4 Stars!!!

”Sometimes people sneak up on you and suddenly you don’t know how you ever lived without them.”

Buddy read with my Fabulous friend Nikki from @njpennybooks (IG)

Hannah Wells is super smart and focused on her music, getting through school, and holding it all together.

There is only one area she is struggling in, and not just anyone can help her with that. Garrett is the captain of the hockey team, and a ladies man. He’s not interested in relationships since his whole focus is hockey and going pro.

Until he fails an ethics exam, which puts a damper in his plans. He has to pass in order to play in the next game coming up. So his hunt for a tutor brings him to Hannah, the only person who passed the Exam. The only problem is Hannah doesn’t fall for Garrett’s charms - and refuses to help him.

“Unbelievable. Every girl at this college would cut her frickin’ arm off to help me out. But this one? Runs away like I just asked her to murder a cat so we could sacrifice it to Satan.”

But Garrett is persistent so Hannah eventually caves. They become best friends real quick, and make a deal in exchange for the tutoring . But THE DEAL changes everything!!

This was my first time reading a book by this author. When I first started I wasn’t sure I would like it. It was a little cheesy in the beginning but after a couple chapters I was hooked. I was completely addicted and invested. I’m really late on reading this one, but I’m in it now and look so forward to the rest of this series and the spin off.

Hannah was a great female lead. She was smart, driven and focused. Even with the tragedy she has faced in her past, she is absolutely resilient and strong. Garrett is 100% a cinnamon bun!! I just adored him he wasn’t an ass- he was just special. I loved them together and their chemistry and banter was amazing.

This was completely a guilty pleasure read. Just a fun and sexy book without worries of world building or anything major to follow. It flowed nicely and just makes you smile. It’s a rainy day here, and this book was perfect for the blues. Not too heavy and not filled with fluff. If you're looking for something that puts a smile on your face and gives all the feels... Look no further than this heartwarming little gem <3

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