Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Odium 0.5 Ninas Story by Claire C Riley

4 stars!!!
You think you have seen fear before, witnessed it for all of its glory. You think you know it, but you don’t. You couldn’t truly know what it was to fear something or someone, to feel fear’s hands clasping you by the spine, ready to drag your body apart. Not until you have witnessed a hell like we had.

What a freaking Prologue/Novella !! This one started and took off at a sprint !! I love it! I have read Riley's- Thicker than Blood series a while back and it left me completely and utterly devastated but yet, foaming at the mouth for more. I love her writing style and the ability she has to really make her characters feel real and "normal". I was in the mood for something else similar-So when I stumbled across this series- I WAS ALL FOR IT!

This book can either be read before or after book 1 of the Odium Series. Odium by definition means -
General or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions.
disgust · abhorrence · repugnance · revulsion · repulsion · loathing · detestation · hatred · hate · execration · obloquy · dislike · disapproval · disapprobation · distaste ·

Which totally makes sense for this book - since its a book about the end of the world and Zombies -or what they are sometimes called in the book- Deaders. I prefer zombies but.... whatever :P

This book was the story of Nina our main character from the series. We get to see her beginnings and... well basically how everything started and went to shit - like real fast. To be honest Nina was kind of shallow at the beginning of this. After you read some of the series, her character growth is phenomenal. But for this little novella- the virus is just breaking out and we see where she and all the crazy started.

It’s the end of the world, and the dead have risen. Devastation reins and destruction lives.
Mankind is holding on by bloody and desperate fingers. Death comes when you least expect it; in the quiet of the night or in the harsh light of day. It sneaks in and takes everyone and everything you ever loved, until you’re left with nothing at all. And the person standing in the aftermath is forever changed.

I really recommend reading this book first - maybe because I did... but really- do what you want. I just loved how fast paced it was and I finished it so fast because so much was happening and I fell in love with the side characters and I just wanted more! I am totally looking forward to the rest of this series- if you have not read this author before- I HIGHLY Recommend her. Her writing is very unique, witty and just amazing!

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