Saturday, April 13, 2019

Praying for Rain by BB Easton

4 Stars!! 

“None of this matters, and we’re all going to die.” 

This was my first B.B. Easton book and I thought it was fun!! It was a new twist on The Apocalypse.

We follow Rainbow- aka Rain as our main character. Everyone has been having dreams and signs, and the Scientists swear they have figured out the date that the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse are going to show up- April 23rd. Which is only 3 days away. 

Everything has become a waste land of abandoned cars, abandoned homes, abandoned businesses, and abandoned people. People like Rain. She isn't afraid of dying, in fact it cant get here fast enough for her. 

Wes Parker :

...has lived through every curve ball this world has thrown at him- making him a survivor.
Why should the end of the world be any different? As long as he sticks to his plan- Supplies- Self Defense- Shelter- Stranger. As long as he gets those before April 23rd, he will be just fine. And thats exactly what he finds when he returns to his hometown in Franklin Springs Georgia. 

This was such a fun quick read. It was such a unique take on the end of the world. I enjoyed the plot pacing and characters. I felt like the romance was a little rushed as far as throwing the "I love yous" around. I know it was the end of the world and all but it just seemed WAY too fast - I clearly got over that aspect - Obviously because I kept reading and enjoyed it very much! I am really looking forward to reading more from this author and cant wait for the rest of this series!! 

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