Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Odium Book 3 by Claire C Riley

5 Stars!!

“There must be sacrifices—to save the ones we love, to protect those that need protecting. We must love freely, forgive quickly, and keep pushing onward, because you never know when it will be too late.”

Book 3 has been the best one yet !!! I swear these books are so good- full of twists and turns, horror, blood, gore, survival and extremely funny moments!

This books literally dives right in from where you left off in the previous book and does not come up for air.

Things are tense in the camp between Mikey and Nina. So Nina and Nova take a little trip to find someone they have been looking for. They end up finding something that they thought could only exist in your nightmares. They also run into a bit of trouble, and end up meeting some new VERY interesting folks on their journey. Like Joan... AkA Crazy Pants.

Nora and Ninas banter in this book was so Fabulous. These books are so character driven!!! To the point that half the time I forget these are horror books about zombies!!

I love that aspect so much! Both women are head strong and have "take no shit" attitudes. So they are constantly knocking heads and having the best arguments. Its amazing.. trust me.

My heart is constantly on guard because you never know who might be gone next. Never get comfortable with those you love because Riley has a way of making you fall in love with her characters. Then she makes you feel every emotion possible... and a lot of times... your heart ends up exploding from pain.

But... honestly- for some reason you end up not hating her for it and dying for the next book of hers.

Odium 0.5- 4 stars!!
Odium 1 - 4 Stars!!
Odium 2- 5 Stars!!
Odium 3- 5 Stars!!

Ready for book 4!!

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