Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The One by John Marrs

4 Stars!! 

“To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.” —Victor Hugo, Les MisΓ©rables” 

How far would you go to find The One? 

A simple DNA test is all it takes. Just a quick mouth swab and soon you’ll be matched with your perfect partner—the one you’re genetically made for.

That’s the promise made by Match Your DNA. 10 years ago, the company announced that they had found the gene that pairs each of us with our soul mate. Since then, millions of people around the world have been matched. But the discovery has its downsides: test results have led to the breakup of countless relationships and upended the traditional ideas of dating, romance and love.

Now five very different people have received the notification that they’ve been “Matched.” They’re each about to meet their one true love. But “happily ever after” isn’t guaranteed for everyone. Because even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking than others…

This is my second John Marrs book. I just recently read The Good Samaritan by him and if you haven't read it - what are you doing?!?! GO READ IT- anyways I now want to read all his books!! I came across this one and ... The premise was so intriguing - I couldn't help but get my hands on it and I was not disappointed!! 

This is one of the most unique books that I have read in a while. It is told from multiple POVs - but dont let that get you down because it worked! It flowed nicely and keeps you on the edge of your seat!! You become completely addicted to the drama that is unfolding in each characters life and its all consuming.

I could not imagine this happening in real life. I see the benefits of it but I feel like this would be more of a disaster than anything. It sounds nice until it starts screwing with peoples lives and families. It is a crazy concept and I absolutely loved all the twists and turns!! 


A Dark Lure by Loreth Anne White

4 Stars!! 


But sometimes people are broken and don’t know how to mend because they aren’t able to say what they need or deeply want. Sometimes you get to a point in life where you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake and you desperately need to fix it, but it’s so deep and bitterly ingrained you can’t start.” 

12 years ago, Sarah Baker was abducted and assaulted for months before escaping. Her captor was caught, but Sarah lost the life she loved, her family and a child. 

While struggling with PTSD, Sarah changes her name to Oliva and finds a job and sanctuary living and working at Broken Bar Ranch. As soon as her scars are finally beginning to heal. All hell breaks loose. The cop involved with her case all those years ago, remains convinced that the real killer/abductor is still out there. He sets a lure for him and a new body is discovered. Now Olivia has to face the past again- could it really be him?? Did he come back to finish the Job?

As winter approaches the ranch, only one person can help Olivia. Cole McDonough, a writer, and the ranch heir. He stirs up something inside Olivia that she didn't even know she craved. But this time, Olivia's fight to shut out the past may ruin her chance at love and cost her- with her life. 

I enjoyed this book so much! It was full of twists and turns- and had me hanging by the edge of my seat. The last 100 pages were crazy intense and I loved it! I thought the characters were great and the story and plot were well thought out. Each character had their own issues to deal with so there was a great bit of depth to them and they all end up intertwined with one another. 

The ending was great and you are holding your breath right till the last word. I thought Sarah/ Olivia was a fantastic MC. We get to go inside her head and watch as things unfold for her, and see her growth as the book progresses. 

Overall I recommend this book! And thought it was a great mystery/thriller with the perfect amount of emotional pull.

The Good Samaritan by John Marrs

Deranged Stars!!

“When you’re not considered to be a threat, you can get away with much, much more.” 

If you like plot twists and turns, unreliable narrators, and books that take off at the speed of light and don't stop until the end....The Good Samaritan is for you. This was my very first John Marrs book, and it will not be my last. 

Laura has the picture perfect life. She is a wife, a mom, and works at The End of The Line. At End of The Line, Laura volunteers and loves raising money and "helping" people that call the suicide hotline. 

"Good afternoon, you've reached the End of the Line, this is Laura speaking. May I ask your name?" 

She's calm and collected. Sounds like the mother next door....You can trust her right? Why else would she be working at a suicide hotline? But something is off about Laura... she has her own way of handling things. 

when you’re not considered to be a threat, you can get away with much, much more. 

The volunteers at EOTL, go through training and are taught the tools they need to talk to the people who call in. They are only supposed to be there to listen- not offer anything but a friendly voice. 

‘You could be the last voice this person ever hears. Make them believe that you care.’ 

Laura doesn't think what she does is wrong, no one would ever think her to be a threat she's just helping people along, just like she is supposed to...little do they know she is BATSHIT crazy. 

In fact, during our training we are given the emotional tools to be there right up until their last breath, if that’s what the caller requests. We listen, we don’t act. 

But Laura is enticed to act. She gets a call one day, with a request/offer that she has never had before and not wanting to pass up. She is excited and nervous and can not stop thinking about the call....

Will she go through with it??

THIS BOOK WAS NUTS!! And I'm a little ashamed that I loved it so much because it really is that crazy.

This book wont be for everyone it may even trigger some.***TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE ***
You'll read the first chapter and realize its going to be a dark book. It was a visceral read and sinks hooks into you. You will feel like you need a shower after it... a drink perhaps.. hell, why not both... 

I was intrigued from the start and did not want to put it down until I got answers. You wont stop guessing the whole time and Marrs will definitely take you on a spin around the loony bin.

I highly recommend this book!! I read Verity by Colleen Hoover not too long ago and that book blew my mind.. I didn't think that I would ever read anything as crazy as it... Boy was I wrong. If you have read Verity and liked the Mind-screw - Go get this one ASAP. You will either love or hate it but I don't think you will regret it- until maybe the end when your pores are screaming to be clean. Its worth it!! 

Initial Reaction : *laughs hysterically* This was INSANE and uncomfortably captivating.. 
Full RTC 😱

Monday, June 17, 2019

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

4 Stars!! 


“Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on.” 

Who doesn't love Christmas time?? Well after reading this... Christmas may never look or feel the same.....

Victoria McQueen has a secret gift for finding things. On her Raleigh Tuff Burner bike, she makes her way to a rickety covered bridge that, within moments, takes her wherever she needs to go, whether it’s across Massachusetts or across the country.

Charlie Manx has a way with children. He likes to take them for rides in his 1938 Rolls-Royce Wraith with the NOS4A2 vanity plate. 

With his old car, he can slip right out of the everyday world, and onto the hidden roads that transport them to an astonishing – and terrifying – playground of amusements he calls “Christmasland.”

Then, one day, Vic goes looking for trouble—and finds Manx. That was a lifetime ago. Now Vic, the only kid to ever escape Manx’s unmitigated evil, is all grown up and desperate to forget. But Charlie Manx never stopped thinking about Victoria McQueen. He’s on the road again and he’s picked up a new passenger: Vic’s own son.

What a ride!!! This was my first Joe Hill book and honestly- It did not disappoint!! Although sometimes, it would shift from a 5 star book to a 4 just because I dont normally read horror, and there are a few parts that were too much for me personally. It was creepy as hell and a totally unique concept. The characters were so great, even the creepy ones!! if you're looking for a creepy read that keeps you on the edge of your seat- I highly recommend this one! 

Looking forward to checking out the new tv show NOS4A2 on AMC!!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Before the Broken Star by Emily King

3 Stars!!

“I believe in monsters. I have seen them take and destroy, suffocate and shred, every sliver of light in the world.” 

Everley lives on borrowed time. The only survivor of her family’s unexplained assassination, she was saved by an ingeniously crafted clockwork heart. But the time she has been gifted- will not last forever. Now, every tick-tock reminds her how little time she has, and quickens her quest to expose Killian, the navy admiral who shattered her world and left her for dead. But Everley’s hunt for justice will be a long and hard-won voyage.

Her journey takes her to a colony on a cursed island, where she will be married off and charged to build the new world. It is here, and beyond, that hidden realms hide, treasures are unearthed, her family secrets are buried, and young love will test the strength of her makeshift heart. When Everley discovers Killian may not be who he seems, her pursuit for truth is bound to his redemption, her tragic history, and her destiny.

I have read Kings previous series The Hundredth Queen and enjoyed it- though it did have its slow moments, it was a decent read with a great plot. I found a few similarities though with this series. Mainly the fact that the MC is forced into a marriage so it kind of threw me off a bit at first but-I enjoyed this book. Although, it did not come without holes. 

I was really invested in the book and starting to get on with the characters but after about the 50 % mark something shifted and it lost my full attention. I kept feeling a little confused - and thought that there were a lot of info dumping moments that were not really needed. Therefore leaving me a little bored. Other than that, it was an enjoyable read- just not my favorite. 

Overall- I am pretty sure I will give the next book in the series a go and look forward to seeing how everything comes together. 

One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence

4 Stars!! 

In 1986, 15 yr old- boy-genius Nick Hayes discovers he’s dying. And it isn’t even the strangest thing to happen to him that week.

Nick and his Dungeons & Dragons-friends are used to living in their imaginations. But when Mia, joins the group reality becomes weirder than the fantasy world they visit in their weekly games. A strange—yet familiar—man is following Nick, with abilities that just shouldn’t exist. And this man claims: Mia’s in grave danger, though she doesn’t know it yet. She needs Nick’s help—now.

He finds himself in a race against time to unravel an impossible mystery and save the girl. And all that stands in his way is cancer, and the laws of physics.

I know absolutely nothing about physics- nor do I really care. I dont really like sci-fi either.. while this book had a sci-fi stranger things type feel to it- it wasn't. The characters talk about things that went over my head- but again, I didn't care because something about these characters cling to you while reading. 

Lawrence has a way of writing characters that you love and you do not even care what the big picture is. The depth of them keeps you moving. I found this book to be character driven but also had a great plot and beginning. I felt it was interesting without being boring- even with subject matter I could care less about. There was so much more happening in this story!! I absolutely loved MC Nick, Mia and Demis :P And look forward to seeing what else this series has to offer!

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Promise of Rayne by Nicole Deese

4 Stars!! 

“Good character isn't produced overnight; it's grown over many seasons. In the same way you sort the good apples from the bad, the marks of poor characters are just as easy to detect.” 

I absolutely loved this book!! It takes so many of my favorite characteristics and makes sort of an all in one! There is romance, family secrets, mystery, forbidden love, self discovery and faith. The characters are wholesome and give you all the good feels. 

I love stories that are based around faith, forgiveness and hope without all the fluff. And I really appreciated that this felt like a realistic story from start to finish. I look forward to reading more from this author!