Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Last Girl (The Dominion Trilogy) by Joe Hart

3 Stars 

Fear feeds the worst in all of us. It drives the most despicable of our natures to the surface. 

A mysterious epidemic happens worldwide that causes the reduction in the births of baby girls. Scientists and Governments scramble to find the reason for this. Fast Forward 25 years and there is still no answer and an entire generation grows up with a population of fewer than a thousand women.

Zoey and 6 other women are housed in a scientific compound that claims to be doing research on the girls. For 20 years, she’s been removed from her family, treated as a test subject, and locked away—told only that the virus has wiped out the rest of the world’s population.

Captivity is the only life Zoey has ever known, and escaping her heavily armed captors is no easy task, but she’s determined to leave before she is subjected to the next round of tests…a program that no other woman has ever returned from. Even if she’s successful, Zoey has no idea what she’ll encounter in the strange new world beyond the facility’s walls. Winning her freedom will take brutality she never imagined she possessed, as well as all her strength and cunning—but Zoey is ready for war.

I really love a good dystopian novel. I enjoy reading about how people become survivors and learn to live without all the spoils that we have in reality. This book had a great plot but a lot of holes. It had parts that were really good and others that moved pretty slow. The last 100 pages or so got really exciting and thats what gives me hope for the rest of the series. 

I did enjoy this book for the most part. I did not like the fact that these 6 women could not all get along. The more I read it didn't bother me much but initially it sorta didn't make sense for them to fight, rather- maybe have them ban together and team up?? I dont know... but that was my main issue. The characters also lacked something Im not sure what maybe a little depth? It took most of the book for me to care a whole lot for these characters. 

I think this was a decent enough start to what could be a great series. I am looking forward to trying the next book and see where it goes!

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