Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dark Triumph ( His Fair Assassins 2) by, Robin LeFevers

4 Stars!! 

“Hate cannot be fought with hate. Evil cannot be conquered by darkness. Only love has the power to conquer them both.” 

Another one down 1 more to go in this fun and exciting Nun/Assassin Series!! 

The story takes off right where Grave Mercy left off. In this installment we follow Sybella's story. She has a few secrets, one being- that she is D'lbrets daughter. As a handmaiden of death, she is left with the task of returning to her fathers home to act as a spy. There are so many dark memories of things that await her there. 

I wasn't sure how I would like this one since it didn't follow Ismae and Duval- but I am glad I gave it a chance. It only took a minute to get wrapped up in Sybellas story. She has a horrific past. It was a little harder to read than the first. There are some disturbing things that take place and by no means, does she have a pretty story. 

Enter Beast- not easy on the eyes, and the name Beast may fit his body, but not his personality. It wasn't hard to fall for Beast and his big heart. The writing was once again beautiful, and pacing flowed nicely. 

I really enjoyed Sybellas whole personality a little more than I did Ismaes from Grave Mercy. She wasn't as soft and I liked that. But I do have to admit- I liked Grave Mercy a little more than Dark Triumph. I think maybe since it was the first in the series, but this was still a great follow up to GM! I'm looking forward to the last book, Mortal Heart, so that I can get all caught up for the new series Courting Darkness!

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