Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Eye of the World by, Robert Jordan

3 Stars!! 

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.” 

With very descriptive and well thought out writing, The Wheel of Time is a rich Epic Fantasy novel-There is no wonder why it is a classic. This book has intimidated me for a long time. I have heard a bazillion things about it and most of the good- came to pass. 

The world building is incredible and the writing- while at times, a bit long winded, still made a great read. I instantly found myself invested in a few of the characters- and they were what kept me going. And there are A LOT of characters in this series!! 

The story line is not really anything I haven't read before- its about a normal boy Rand- who finds himself on the run from the bad guys. Along his journey he grows and finds himself and his power. The difference is in the intricate world- a place you read, and you feel you can teleport to this place. Jordan has crafted such a detailed atmosphere, its almost poetic. 

The only thing I can say that this one lacked for me was excitement. It was a journey book, and though there was action- it wasn't really exciting. I think this had more to do with pacing issues not so much with the plot. So I was left really only reading to find out what happens to my favorite characters. Then there was the magic system and the measure of time in which we hear about but don't learn much about how they work. I think this is something that probably happens over time, since there are a ton of books in this series. 

Overall- I thought this was an excellent start to the series. The characters and the writing were what really drew me in. I think I could read this story over and over and still find things I missed from this first read. It has that much depth- so I think the series will develop over.. TIME :P

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