Thursday, February 7, 2019

On the Come Up by, Angie Thomas

4 Stars!! 

“There's only so much you can take being described as somebody you're not.” 

Whew- I started reading this and literally after only a few pages- I knew this would be another movie. It just had that "it" factor, and a dialogue that you can not help but get lost in because its so raw and REAL. 

Angie Thomas has once again proven that she knows what she is talking about, and has lived the life of her characters. The emotion and feels she is able to magically portray is so outstanding - I think she needs a standing "O"! 

In, On the Come Up- we follow Bri, whos life is far from perfect. She knows what it is to struggle and to live through dark days. But all Bri wants to do is put her past behind her and make something of herself. She doesn't want to walk in her late fathers (who was an upcoming popular rapper) footsteps. She wants to just be Bri, but some people make it hard to forget that she's not her dad. 

"You'll never silence me and you'll never kill my dream,
Just recognize when you say brilliant that you're also saying Bri."

Throughout the book we see Bri make bad decisions but also get to see her growth. I absolutely loved her character and could feel her pain through the pages. The pacing was great and the message was amazing. I enjoyed reading her lyrics and connecting to the story she was trying to tell through them.

I wont compare this to THUG- bc this is on another level and another topic- but one that needs to be told. 

This book is full of perspective and wisdom. There is a lot to take in and learn. I'm just so humbled and blessed after reading this book and really hope that more books like this get into the hands of our youth today! I 100% recommend this one!

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