Friday, May 3, 2019

Rebels Blade by, Frost Kay

"Everyone has scars, love. Some wear theirs on the inside, and some bear them on the outside. But you know what? Those that allow the world to see their scars and move forward are the bravest and best of us. That is true courage."

We follow two POVS in this Story:

Sage- Alias aka Ruby- her father owns a forge, and she has grown up learning how to make weapons. Her father gets too ill to run the forge, so Sage takes over. Woman aren't really allowed to do men's work so she has to hide out in the back so no one knows its her making the weapons- She somehow gets involved in a rebellion and then taken by the enemy - the crown prince.

Tehl- The Crown Prince, is trying to do everything he can to save his people - but since his father the king has taken a step back- Tehl has had a lot to handle and weight on his shoulders. His brother, brings home a prisoner a girl with a rebels blade. He is willing to do, (almost) whatever it takes to get answers to the rebellions plans out of her.

I really enjoyed this first book of the series. At first it was a little slow going, but after about 20 percent it picked up and I became invested in the characters and the story line. Tehl and Sage don't realize it yet- but they both want the same thing, if they could get over their distain for one another for longer than 5 minutes- they might would get to the bottom of that and work together.

The cliffhanger was excellent and I can not wait to pick up the second book!! The banter and humor in this book was like a breath of fresh air! I loved all the side characters and what they brought to the book as a whole! Overall, I was really impressed and So far- I would recommend this series!

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