Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Fall Up by Aly Martinez

4 Stars!! 

They met on a bridge- it was raining, Levee in her designer shoes and Sam with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth- looking like a dream. She wanted to jump... to fall into nothing... little did she know, she could also fall up. 

Pretty sure this was my first Martinez book. And it didn't disappoint! From the first line of the book, I was hooked. The main characters were lovable and I loved their chemistry, wit and banter.

The Fall up deals with mental health issues and depression. It talks about what happens when we overload ourselves and don't come up for air. What it feels like when we feel the walls close in around us and we think we have it under control- until we don't. Thinking we can do everything on our own without the help or love from others. 

This book made my heart lurch - it was beautiful and it will steal your heart, give you all the feels and leave you wanting more! I highly recommend it :P

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