Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Wish Collector by Mia Sherdian

4 Stars!! 

“I believe everyone deserves grace, Clara. What you will have to ask yourself is if you should offer that grace from near or from afar. Offering grace does not mean offering your heart. That, my darlin’, must be protected at all cost.” 

This was such a fun and dreamy read. It takes place in New Orleans, and I got to read it this week while in New Orleans. That made it so worth it! Everything, all the culture and sights from the book came to life. 

Clara- a ballet dancer, gets the shot of a lifetime to work at the New Orleans Ballet. In order to follow her dream, she has to leave her father who has Alzheimer's which is very hard for her but she does it. After being in New Orleans for a while, she hears a story from her neighbor about the Weeping Wall located at Windisle Plantation. Its magic and story, consumes Clara. She goes to the wall and meets a stranger behind it all. 

Jonah, a highshot lawyer once upon a time, now lives in isolation because of something tragic that happened over 8 years ago. Consumed with guilt Jonah never leaves his home, which just so happens to be at Windisle Plantation. One day he receives a wish behind the wall, and hears a voice which turns his life - totally upside down. 

This book was so whimsical. There is a story within a story told here and it worked perfectly. There were a few different mysteries all going on at the same time which made the whole thing that much more amazing. I really enjoyed all of the mentions of New Orleans history and all the legends and tales told about it!

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