Sunday, December 2, 2018

Consumed by JR Ward

3.5 Stars!!!
“The strong do not wallow. They move forward.”

A book about Firefighters.... Say what..?!?!?! Count me in...

This was my first J.R. Ward book. I came across the free prequel on my kindle and was immediately hooked. I couldn't wait to finish it! It started out with a BANG and so action packed.

BUT.... here's the thing- I really enjoyed the story overall, but for me, the climax of the book took place so far in the beginning that it kind of lost some of its mojo along the way. Its like the most exciting thing happens and then after, everyone gets depressed and what initially drew me in - was no longer present. I get that the main theme of this book was romance and overcoming hardships, but I guess I was hoping it would be more about romance while putting out fires. That wasn't really the case, it ended up being more of a mystery. So... yeah it wasn't totally what I was expecting but, its ok! It worked and still was an enjoyable read.

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