Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Shadows Edge by, Brent Weeks


4.5 Stars!!

“Tell them the Night Angel walks. Tell them Justice has come.”

WOW!!! I really enjoyed The Way of Shadows... but I LOVED this installment! This one, like the first was brutal, and deliciously dark. There is a ton of character growth and the plot only continues to thicken. Some of my favorite characters go through some horrible things and it made me extremely emotional. The humor was such an added bonus and just freaking fantastic!! It's literally what kept me engaged when things were getting serious. Weeks really hit his stride with this one. There were quite a few WTF moments and major plot twists. AND - OMG 🤯 that epilogue - DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AT ALL. Shadows edge was a fantastic sequel - I can not recommend it enough.

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