Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Conspiracy of Us by, Maggie Hall


4 Stars!!

Did somebody say Conspiracy??? I really liked this one!! I went into it not having a clue what it was about. I honestly saw the word CONSPIRACY and was sold. I may like to put on my shiny hat from time to time.....

The Conspiracy of Us was such a great mix of so many of my favorite themes. You got a girl who has grown up her whole life having to move around a ton- but everything she has been told about her life.... may be a lie. She goes on a quest to find out who she is and it turns into sort of a treasure hunt- so kinda has some National Treasure vibes . There is a lot of action and the pacing is just fantastic. You never really have time to be bored. There is a little romance - oooh la laaa and History!! Ancient Civilizations and Secret Societies....

I mean come on... what else could a bookworm ask for??? I really enjoyed all the mystery and the thrill of finding out new information. The MC is very likable and you cant help but want to jump in the book and try to help her find out more about herself. I was honestly surprised that more people haven't read this series. I saw some people compare it to Gossip Girl and I honestly wouldn't go that far... its not super dramatic... I think it was written fabulously and it holds its own. I really hope the rest of the series continues at the same pace and it stays exciting! So if you are looking for a good mystery filled with history-romance-conspiracy-and action... You should totally try this one!

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