Friday, January 4, 2019

Book Review I Mistborn by, Brandon Sanderson

3.5 Stars!!! 

Here is the thing. I liked it - just didn't LOVE it. This is only my second Brandon Sanderson book. The first was Steelheart and I wasn't the biggest fan of it. I heard SOOO many things about Mistborn that I had to give him another go. I'm glad I did. So why the 3.5 stars? Well, when I started it I could NOT get into it. I was bored … oh so very bored. I wanted it to pick up. I was also confused .. So many metals so many things to remember... With encouragement from other readers (thanks guys) , I pressed on and slowly but surely - It became something. 

I started to fall for the characters... they grew on me. At around the half way point things really picked up and the world became a real place to me-There was action and purpose- twists and turns. If I were to break the book up into two parts - the first half would have been like a 2 but the second half a solid 4. The writing was great and the magic system was very different and fascinating. Everything starts to come together about 75% in and the last quarter of the book was fabulous. 

Overall- I loved all the twists and turns that were thrown into it. The magic system gets a 5/5 stars for sure. Personally- I think it was a little longer that it needed to be. There were conversations that felt repetitive and descriptions of things (outside of the worldbuilding) that weren't really necessary but I am not giving up on Sanderson yet. I'm glad I gave Mistborn a go- and I am very anxious to read the next one to see how I like it. From what I hear they only get better. So my 3.5 will hopefully begin to evolve with each book. Room to grow and all that right?

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