Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Book Review- The Escape Room by, Megan Goldin

4 Stars!! 

Hold your breath...don't let it out. Turn up the heat-go in a small space, lock yourself in along with 4 people you tolerate but also cant stand...and stay there until I say so...doesn't that sound amazing?? Yeah... NO. Seriously, just typing that made me feel sweaty and claustrophobic....

Its a dog eat dog world in the Corporate Banking Industry. The story follows four top investment bankers who are sent an email to meet for a very important meeting. When they get there- they enter an Escape Room elevator thinking its for a team building exercise. The longer they are there trying to escape,

they become desperate facing thirst, hunger, fear, heat, and rage. They start to wonder if the whole "exercise" is really what they are there for. 

The escape room was thrilling and character driven, the stakes are high as anxieties rise. The book is told in two alternating POVs: third person and real time. I swear the whole time I read this book I was in a constant state of anxiety.. 

I usually binge read but I couldn't with this one. A part of me COULD NOT WAIT to find out what the heck was going on, but the other psychotic part of my brain thought it would be fun to drag it out... so that I could continue to feel the thrill of it. I know- what the hell Brittany?? I'm strange sometimes, what can I say. Overall, I really enjoyed it- it was a bit fluffy at times but it worked. I know for dang sure- the last thing I want to do is go to an escape room. And an elevator?? No thanks- I'll be taking the stairs.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing the ARC for an honest review :)

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