Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Book Review I The Rule of One by, Ashley and Leslie Saunders

3 Stars 

With a 1984(George Orwell) vibe to it - we enter a dystopian future where you can only have one child- Insert the "Rule of One." The MCs are twin sisters who have hidden the fact that the two of them exist. When their existence is discovered, they must go on the run.

This book had a lot of potential but for me it was a little bland. It was a journey book, and they were always moving but it felt a little repetitive. We follow a duel POV of the twins. It was hard to remember which sister I was reading for most of the book because they literally were like the same person. Something about this was intriguing but it also lacked a solid plot. I am invested now and plan to read the next one but honestly- Not a whole lot happens in this one and I can not put my finger on what makes me want to continue with it.... Maybe I see where it COULD go?!?! I guess ....we shall see.

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