Thursday, January 10, 2019

Book Review I Made you up by, Francesca Zappia

4 Stars!!

“People say teenagers think they're immortal, and I agree with that. But I think there's a difference between thinking you're immortal and knowing you can survive. Thinking you're immortal leads to arrogance, thinking you deserve the best. Surviving means having the worst thrown at you and being able to continue on despite that. It means striving for what you want most, even when it seems our of your reach, even when everything is working against you.” 

Twisted, Charming and a little scary - Made you up was a book that focuses on mental health, the main one of them being Schizophrenia, and a few others. I don't really like reviewing Mental Health books because … well they are just hard to review, especially when you cant relate. I personally thought this book was hard at times to read, but also there was some comic relief mixed in to sort of take away some of the harder moments. 

We meet Alex, the main character and she suffers from being able to tell what's real and what's not. There is a boy involved named Miles- and can I just say he is amazing and I loved his role in this book. He also has issues but is such a strong outspoken character that you can not help but fall for him.... but is he who he appears to be?? You'll have to read it to find out! This book had a lot of twists and turns and side characters who are, lets say- interesting at best. At over 400 pages- I read this in one sitting, that's how fast it flows. Overall I really enjoyed my heart being ripped out at some parts- and all the feels that it gave me!! I Look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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