Sunday, January 20, 2019

Here There are Monsters by, Amelinda Berube

3 stars! 

"What is it with you guys and the end of the world?" I asked. "Its just interesting," William said. "Like, everyone has to show their true colors. Everyone knows who they really are at the end of the world. No more bullshit." 

Here There Are Monsters was gripping from the very start. This was a story about how easy it can be to get wrapped up in your own fantasy, and have trouble deciphering what's real and what's not. How nightmares can become reality if you allow yourself to go there. 

Skye is the older sister to Deirdre who likes to make everything a fantasy land. As Skye gets older, she realizes she doesn't want to play the games Deirdre plays anymore. One day something happens to Deirdre and Skyes race to find her begins. 

This book reminded me a lot of a messed up version of Bridge to Terabithia. That's the best way I can sort of describe it. The story was creepy and dark. We follow MC Skye as she tests her limits of reality. The plot was a little confusing especially towards the end. The pacing was good, but the climax failed to deliver fully for me. It was still decent and I enjoyed the read, I guess for as engaged as I was- when the time came for a reveal - I was scratching my head a little. With that being said, I was still impressed by the authors ability to hold my attention and her writing was simple and smooth. Overall I think people will enjoy this if they are looking for something fast paced with a Creepy Atmosphere. 

**Special thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review** 

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