Monday, January 7, 2019

Book Review I Evermore (Everless # 2) by, Sara Holland

3 Stars!! 

“The only way to kill pure evil is with pure love” 
THIS COVER!!! Can we just stare at it for a minute...

I absolutely LOVED Everless. I could not wait to get my hands on this one! Evermore picks up right where Everless left off and we are thrown back into the world. For a few minutes, I got to enjoy why I loved Everless in the first place- but then it all takes a turn. Its like we went from world building in the first book, to character building in the second. We get back stories on Jules and Caro, and see their past relationship through out the ENTIRE book. It felt like I was just reading flashbacks for the most part. 

The thing I loved about Everless was the whole "time/blood as currency"- sadly, there is hardly any of that in this installment. Without the time/blood theme, the book fell flat. I enjoyed seeing Liam in this one, but the romance felt so weird and rushed. In saying all that, there were things I liked about it, and it was a quick read- but I feel a bit let down to be honest. I want to go back to book one and ride that first book wave again. 

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