Monday, January 7, 2019

Book Review I The Cruel Prince by, Holly Black

5 Cruel Stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

“Nice things don’t happen in storybooks. Or when they do happen, something bad happens next. Because otherwise the story would be boring, and no one would read it.”

Re-Read to prepare for Wicked King!

With a complicated and savage main character- Jude may be just a mortal girl, but she has spunk and ambition. I love reading a strong female character, who has gone through tough situations, but rises to the occasion. She gets knocked down but gets up again, and again. Jude faces so much persecution, but doesn't let it stop her from her own end game.

The Cruel Price is Epic and addicting, stealing your heart right from the start! I love the world building, plot, pacing and the writing. You are transported to a forest full of greed and hate. With Fairies-Royals, and secret meetings, Black has richly drawn a unique fantasy world.

I really liked this the first go round and my like only turned into love on the second. I am so ready for The Wicked King and really hope it lives up to the hype!!

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